Wednesday, September 23, 2009

APO Research

One year after the Garnaut Climate Change Review
21 September, 2009 The emissions trading scheme should be passed into law quickly and with no further distortion, argues Ross Garnaut in East Asia Forum

Emissions trading - has it worked?
Leslie Nielson Parliamentary Library21 September, 2009 This background note looks at whether programs such as the proposed Australian Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (CPRS) have been successful in reducing greenhouse gases emissions in areas where they have been implemented.

Powerful choices: transition to a biofuel economy in Australia
Barney Foran Triple Helix Consulting21 September, 2009 This paper summarises the findings of eight years' research into the implications of a transition to a biofuel economy using woody biomass feedstocks for second-generation biofuels.

Environmental sustainability in residential housing
Kelly S. Fielding Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute21 September, 2009 This positioning paper addresses the attitudes and behaviour towards waste, water, and energy consumption and conservation among Australian households.

Great Barrier Reef outlook report 2009
Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority22 September, 2009 The first in a series, this report provides an overview of the past and present condition of the environmental, economic and social values of the Great Barrier Reef and presents its possible future.

Towards climate safe homes: The case for zero emissions and water saving homes and neighbourhoods
Australian Conservation Foundation, Environment Victoria, the Alternative Technology Association, Friends of the Earth and the Moreland Energy Foundation23 September, 2009 With the right government support and with efforts to fast-track stronger environmental building standards, Australian homes and neighbourhoods could be emissions free and water efficient by 2020, according to this report.

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